


New York






Breaking News: 

December 12th Press Release announces disciplinary action against five Maryland veterinarians.

While these disciplinary actions are described below, we at The Toonces Project have some serious questions about Board's enforcement statistics as cited in this press release, and believe that this release is designed to create the false impression that the Board takes strong action on more consumer complaints than it actually does. For more information on the questions raised by this press release, see our Vet Board Watch Page (click on the link on the Main Menu Banner).

In a press release dated December 12, the Board announced action against the following veterinarians. 

Benjamin Harman, D.V.M. (Allegany County)
Frederick K. Adams, D.V.M. (Montgomery County)
Timothy J. Cujdik, D.V.M. (Baltimore County)
Richard L. Springer, D.V.M. (Prince George's County) -
Badr E. Oweis, D.V.M. (Baltimore County)

Find the vets name alphabetically below for available details.

Frederick Adams: "failing to provide basic care to the pets while under his care, providing false information to pet owners, and failing to take appropriate and timely steps to return pets"
Gregory Burbelo - The Cases of Guy the Schnauzer, Coty the Shetland Sheepdog, and Freda the Cat
Joanne Carey (lapsed facility license)
Alvina Cook (facility inspection findings)
Timothy Cujdik (lapsed registration)
Ghulam Dastgir and the Case of Rae Rae the Dalmation
Ghulam Dastgir and the Case of T Jay, the Yorkshire Terrier
Paul F Deal - Re: The Case of Zoey the Labrador
Paul F Deal -- Re: The Case of Porky the Irish Wolfhound and the Case of Angel the Cat
Paul Deal and the case of Sebastian, the German Shepherd
Adrienne Edwards (lapsed facility license)
W. Conrad Filsinger and the Case of Walker the Gordon Setter
Dennis Foster and the case of Kitty the Cat
Dennis Foster and the Case of Patsy Rose, the Cocker Spaniel
Kenneth Fox (lapsed facility license)
Gary Gross (lapsed license)
Kim Hammond (license lapse)
Benjamin Harman: "A canine owner filed a complaint after her dog was diagnosed as having a gauze square left in its abdomen after surgery performed by Dr. Harman"
Margaret Hoffecker (lapsed license)
Leroy Johnson and the Case of Creole the Cocker Spaniel
Dina Jones (lapsed license)
Marc Katz and the Case of Toonces, the Brown Tabby Cat
Patricia Kriemelmeyer (lapsed facility license)
Barbara Kummel (lapsed license)
Patricia Lazik and the Case of Gael the Border Collie
Muhammed Meher and the Case of Sofia the Sheltie
Lee Miller and the Case of Leo the Yorkshire Terrier
Tracey Mock (lapsed license)
James Nolte and the Case of Franklin the Cat
Badr Oweis: "failing to meet at least the minimal standards of care in conjunction with a dog's surgery . . . failing to provide appropriate care to a boarded pet, failing to meet at least the minimal standards of care in conjunction with a rabbit's surgery, and failing to comply with record-keeping requirements"
Daniel Peck and the Case of Shelby the Pug
Mary Reid (lapsed license)
Charles Shortall and the Case of Boleo the Poodle
Richard Springer: "The Board concluded that Dr. Springer violated the Veterinary Practice Act by failing to meet record keeping requirements and providing substandard care"
Leslie Taylor (lapsed license)
James Thompson and the Case of Gracie the Maltese
James Thompson and the Case of Gracie the Maltese, File 2
Robert Wesley (lapsed license)
Richard Weitzman and the Case of Nathan the Golden Retriever
Lynn Wimmer and the Cases of Guy the Schnauzer and Freda the Cat